Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mike Peters Glenn Beck Cartoon

Obviously Mike Peters is a progressive. I can assume this by the Cartoon he created entitled “If Jesus returned as Glenn Beck”. It is also obvious that either Mike Peters has never listened to Glenn Beck himself or he is passing along the same lies that have been spread by the Left-wing Liberal Progressive Nuts. First, Glenn Beck is as strong a Christian as I have ever seen. Christians do not spout the drivel attributed to him in this horrendous cartoon. Second, none of the crap in this so called “Health Care” bill has anything to do with Christian Kindness as this cartoon implies. Lastly, let’s look at the actual facts of the matter:

• Glenn Beck and his followers, of which I am proudly one, do not believe the lie that Health Care is a right. Health Care is a commodity that is bought and sold by people and only God bestows rights…just as the Constitution declares.
• Glenn Beck does not say anyone in Obama’s administration is a communist except the Self Avowed Communist, Van Jones. Glenn Beck calls them what they are, Progressives and Marxists. Of course it doesn’t help when many of Obama’s Administration cite rights from the Communist Constitution of the USSR.
• Glenn Beck does not encourage people not to help their neighbors. In fact he talks only about the generosity of Americans and that the Government has no Constitutional right to demand charitable donations.

Just because the Obama Administration is attempting to employ the collapsing of the government tactics of radicals Ala the Cloward and Pivons philosophy and have verbally communicated their beliefs, do not accuse him of name calling. He is just informing us of their actions. Glenn Beck is touting Faith, Hope and Charity, all Christian Values. You see he has Faith in the American way and Constitution. He has Hope that Americans can peacefully return to the path that our Founding Fathers charted for us. And finally, he believes in the Generosity of Americans to provide charity as they always historically have. By the way, Mr. Peters needs to thank God that Glenn Beck is not Muslim and the cartoon was not entitled “If Mohammad returned as Glenn Beck”.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Climate Gate

I have posted this Blog under Religion and Philosophy because the advocates of “Climate Change” (formerly known as “Global Warming”) remind me of the Evolutionists. Their “science” is their religion and woe to the non-believers. They are so sure in their convictions that they can distort the facts to fit their views without repercussions. Al Gore, High Priest of the Climate Change Society, should be required to wear a headdress containing the plumage of an endangered species bird and register this religious group with the Federal Government. Then no one can make fun of his chant “The debate is over” or they could be called just atheistic buffoons. For any of you who do not agree that Evolutionists and Climate Changers should be categorized together remember these facts: Climate Change believers insist that the Polar Bear is in danger of becoming extinct even though statistics indicate their population has increased five-fold. Add to this the Evolutionists insist all life began when nothing exploded (yeah, the Big Bang Theory). Any idiot who can believe that nothing, I repeat NOTHING can explode could also argue that a population increase of 500% was indicative of an “Endangered Species”. I rest my case.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Turkey and Genocide

Turkey has threatened to sever ties with the US if the 1915 (- 1923) Genocide is recognized by the US. This has been a sore point for Turkey ever since the events occurred in 1915. In fact they even blocked the filming of Hans Werfel's book "The 40 days of Musa Dagh" (a novel published in 1933 using the 1915 Genocide as its background) for about 40 years because of the bad light it cast upon Turkey. In 1915, The American Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau Sr., described the massacres as a "campaign of race extermination". Germany, Turkey's ally, was just as critical of the Genocide according to German engineers, workers and embassy staff. German Armin Wegner was a military medic who documented the atrocities via photographs . Truth of the matter is that the 1915 "Re-location" (which was Turkey's euphemism for the 1915 Atrocity just as Hitler later called his mass murder of Jews "The Final Solution"...He learned well from Turkey) was not the only mass killing of Christians but it was Turkey's most successful. There were also the Hamidian Massacres (in 1894-1896) and the Adana Massacre (in 1909).

I have to admit to having more than a just little interest on this subject because my mother Areknas (Helen in English) Garber (nee Vartanian) is Armenian. In fact my Grandmother (Aroxy Shanazarian) fled Armenia because of the continuing persecution at age 13 in 1922 on the condition she marry Abraham Vartanian . She survived because she was visiting an aunt who lived on the coast away from the "Re-Location". When you drive Christians, mostly women and children, through deserts and over mountains of one Islamic country to another Islamic country (Syria), you are lucky to have anyone left to re-locate (which was the plan all along). Most died of exposure, starvation and diseases, like Typhus, but many were sadistically raped and murdered by Muslims (Turks, Kurds and Syrians) along the way.

The Turks claimed the 1915 "Re-location" was due to an Armenian revolt in support of Russia. Although some Armenians did side with Russia (due to previous atrocities and the fact that Armenia was physically located inside both countries), truth is Enver Pasha needed a scapegoat. The Turks had been defeated by the Russians at Sarikamish in the Caucuses in an attempt to recover land previously lost to Russia. So the Armenians were removed, along with Coptic Greeks and Assyrians, because they were, for the most part, Christian.

I see no difference between this Christian massacre and Hitler's "Final Solution" other than the higher numbers of the Holocaust. Both were directed at people due to their Religion (Judaism is a not a race) and both need to be remembered. I feel a lot of empathy with Jews and really don't understand some Jewish resistance at declaring the 1915 acts as Genocide. After all, if the Armenian Genocide had not been swept under the rug by Turkey, Hitler may have thought twice about performing his Final Solution. To Barrack Hussein Obama I say, go ahead and don't support the Congressional declaration, but remember this about our Great Ally Turkey. Their Government would not allow American troops to "invade" Iraq after indicating they would. Oh yeah, and also remember that Turkey wants the US to ensure that the NOW pesky Kurds don't want to declare freedom and lands of their own out of Northern Iraq. Turkey fears that their Kurds might want to join free Kurds across the border. I wonder why they feel that way, don't you Barack?

March 24th is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day and I hope that we Armenians can finally remember a Genocide not merely a re-location. Oh, I forgot to mention that the Law professor who coined the term "Genocide", Raphael Lambkin, claimed to have had the Armenians in mind at the time.