Friday, May 28, 2010

Letter to block Elena Kagan's Nomination

I composed and sent this letter to all Republican Senators in order to block Elena Kagan's Nomination to the Supreme Court. Please feel free to copy & paste this letter and use and/or change it as you wish. The URL I used to select the senators to email is: List of Senators

Here is my crude letter. If you choose not to use it at least compose your own and try to send it:
We are not residents of your state and not even Republican, but we are writing all GOP senators because of the Senatorial scrutiny of Elena Kagan required under Advise & Consent. We need to ensure that you block the nomination of this individual to the Supreme Court if only for actions she took as Dean of the Harvard Law School. In that position she petitioned for and obtained the removal of Constitutional Law study as a requirement for Graduation! She did however; make sure that three courses of study that were required for earning a Harvard law degree all pertain to Intentional Law. Are you kidding me? This is America and the Constitution is more important than ANY International law…period.

Please do not allow this Progressive Activist to infect our Supreme Court.

Thank you,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stop Picking on Al Gore

Poor Al Gore, people have been making disparaging remarks about his becoming Significantly Weight Challenged. He is actually not over-weight; he is the perfect weight if only he were some four feet taller. I guess you could call him vertically challenged in lieu of horizontally challenged, but whatever adjective you choose to apply in his description, the fact is any recent weight gain is only due to his massive efforts he has exerted supporting "Climate Change".

Oh, I know that many of his detractors have belittled him for the huge volume of red meat he continues to consume (especially of steak) after espousing the benefits of being a Vegan. In fact, even his fellow "Save the Earthers" have questioned his commitment to Vegetarianism. Well, I'm here to tell you that he only continues to eat steaks cut from Cows in his effort to reduce the volume of Methane Gas being spewed into our atmosphere by these horribly destructive animals.

His critics have argued that even Al knows the validity of the science involved to calculate Global Warming is bogus and they use the fact that he paid 9 million dollars for a seaside home in California. Boy did they ever take this out of context. If they would have looked more closely at the home's pool and yards they would have discovered the terrible disrepair of these items. All Al did was to anticipate the flooding due to the melting of the Polar Icecap and purchase a building that is sufficiently large enough to serve as a cabana to enable him to enjoy his new underwater park, Dizzy Land.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Obama's FCC Thugs Must be Blocked

This article By Phil Kerpen of demonstrates the Marxist way of stifling the "Freedom of Speech" rights of a people that this Administration is willing to implement. This is URGENT and must be stopped at all cost. This is the MOST important issue we need to focus on and stop immediately. This is more important than Immigration, Crap & Trade and even border security because if this designation of the Internet as a Utility is successful, articles like the one listed in this Blog will never see the light of day again. Nor will any articles or Twitter or anything that is deemed "Seditious" or Harmful to the Public. You must contact everyone you can, State & Federal authorities, Tea Party members,9/12 organization, friends, family, Judges and anyone else you can. This obvious "Chavez Style of Politics" must be stopped!