Friday, November 2, 2012

Fact Checking Lies Obama told

Wow, where do we begin on this one? Well let's start with the last debate when Governor Mitt Romney said that under President Obama's Administration, approved drilling permits were down 50%. Obama's reply? "Not True". When Mr. Romney then asked "What is the percentage Mr. President ?" The reply was we have produced more oil and gas than at any time in our history. Problem is Governor Romney was speaking about Federally Controlled Lands and although not 50%, it is apparent that the Private Sector produced increased oil and gas in spite of the Obama Administration. Unfortunately for President Obama, the information can be found online at The Bureau of Land Management website and "The Truth Will Set You Free" Blog which displays the following picture providing an indication of Obama's lack of Honesty. 

By the way, the BLM site is a Government site and contains a lot of information including graphs similar to this one, but going back to 1988. Check out the detail for yourself it is quite amazing.

Another untruth straight from the Emperor's mouth was the fact that he had nothing to do with the Military Budget cuts which are to , by law, take place January 1, 2013. According to our Avoider-in-Chief, it was all the fault of Congress and furthermore they weren't going to happen at all. Funny how Barack Obama claims that the Governor is suffering from Romnesia as reported on the Puffington Host  The real victim of Romnesia is Obama himself. As I remember his feeble attempt to shift all blame from himself to Congress was  by setting up a committee to pass a budget since his only proposal went down in flames without a single supporting vote. So President Obama, having failed to even work on the budget while he owned both house of Congress actually broke Constitutional Law and set up a committee to work on a budget; A "Super-committee" that was doomed from the start [and everyone knew that because of its composition]. Of course that was the to get a budget and take Obama off the hook. Then automatic cuts to Military budgets would take place in 2013. 

I wanted to include many more "Untruths" spoken by the President but I am sick and if I want to post this blog prior to the election, I better get it out today, even though no one reads the crap I write about,  Just ask yourself this, you Obama fans, are you going to fall for the same promises he made in 2008 and didn't follow though with? As far as I can see the only promise he did keep was to "Fundamentally transform the United States of America" ...problem is he is transforming it into the United Soviet States of America.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chicago Style Deal

Wow, have you heard the latest? Lockheed Martin will not deliver Mandatory by Law Required Notifications to about 170,000 employees warning them they will have to be laid off [due to mandatory cuts to our Military Spending starting January 1, 2013] because of nudging by the Obama Administration. Seems that would be bad for the Emperor's re-election so they assured Lockheed that no penalties would arise if the required WARN Notices were not delivered and offered to pay any fines incurred by Lockheed if they were assessed. Are you kidding me? Lockheed is setting the table for Obama's re-election and thereby cutting its own throat. Do you really think the Obama Administration will carry through with its pledge to make any fines "allowable and recoverable”? Hell no. Lockheed will be made the scapegoat and fined for not adhering to the provisions of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notifications act.
Why is this information not all over the evening news or on the front page of every Magazine or in the headlines of every Newspaper or blaring out from every News Radio Station? Because the Lame Stream Media is complicit in the Chicago Style Political antics of the current administration.   You would have thought we had elected Al Capone in 2008 and in a way we did resurrect that criminal mentality as well as the spirits of Adolph Hitler; Josef Stalin and Benito Mussolini.  There are Goons everywhere spying and reporting on the population. The information manipulation of Joseph Goebbels is alive and the driving force of this Administration whose main motto is don’t worry about facts just lie and we will keep repeating that lie until the people believe it is the truth (evidence the President’s continued Tax Cuts offered by Romney when that was corrected in the Debate).
          Well President Obama, Americans today are a little smarter and wiser than those sheep who were led by the notorious villains I mentioned above, at least those who have not forgotten their history. Many of us can see though the thinly veiled disguises of your hooligans and we don’t like what we see…Marxists; Socialists; [Communist in the case of ` ; Ex-Cons [Like Bill Ayers ]; Maoists [like Anita Dunn ]; radicals [like senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett , former Regulatory Czar  Cass Sunstein  ,  the associate general counsel and Chief Diversity Officer at the Federal Communications Commission  Mark Lloyd and many more.

          Just as I was about to post this article, it was announced by the Labor Department [headed by Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis ] that the Unemployment Rate had miraculously dropped to 7.8%. Why…? Well because all the Pundits agreed that Obama cannot win if the Unemployment remained over 8%, so it was reported as 7.8%. What kills me is that the actual Unemployment rate, with under-employed and part time workers was 14.7% last month and is the same this month.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


(From the Google page on Bashar al-Assad)

Bashar Hafez al-Assad ‎; born 11 September 1965 is the current President of Syria and Regional Secretary of the Syrian-led branch of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. His father Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria for 29 years until his death in 2000. Wikipedia

One of my gravest concerns rotates around events occurring in Syria as it seems to put us in a dammed if we do and dammed if we don't situation. We can't just sit and ignore what is happening over there; we can't get any useful sanctions applied [through the useless UN]; we won't actively participate in any military action; we can't involve our surrogate [Israel] in any military action either but most of all we can't allow Syria's mass accumulation of Chemical and Biological weapons to fall into the wrong hands. That is a genuine concern because we can't identify the participants in the opposition forces and what makes this identification problem a huge issue is only a couple of weeks ago, the Military forces of Bashar al-Assad were kicking rebel butts as their shotguns could not defeat tanks. But that all changed once Rebel armament was augmented by RPGs and AK-47's.

 What changed? My fear, and others agree with me, is that either Al Qaeda, Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood [or all of the above have] has taken over the rebellion. Another chilling change noticed in the Rebel forces is their attitude toward Christians and Iraqi refugees. Barack Hussein Obama seems to have successfully aided the Muslim Extremists in their quest to reestablish their Caliphate in the Middle East. Along with Barack is Hillary Clinton's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and that is a chilling notion to contemplate [see note below]. Bottom line is if the Rebels have been infiltrated by any of the Muslim Extremist groups, then we cannot idly sit by and watch as our avowed enemies reap the rewards of a Chemical and Biological weapon's cache which they will most certainly use against us.

I believe I understand why China and especially Russia, who even threatens Military Action, would block UN sanctions against Syria but what I fail to understand why the USA exudes such an aura of impotency in this grave situation.  At least the European Community has imposed sanctions on Syria, so why is no one talking about NATO becoming involved? They rushed to help Libyan rebels [before knowing their makeup] when Qaddafi displayed hostility towards his own people, but thousands more have died at the hands of Assad. Why the disparity? In a three character word, Oil. The reason NATO was so quick to act in Libya is because Europe gets 85% of Libya's crude oil exports.  The US only got .05%, so why were we so quick to take the lead...? China gets 3% of their crude from Libya.

Therefore I can only assume, since  Imam Obama has kissed China's butt so much, that we were providing the largest holder of our debt the favor of protecting one of their crude oil sources by spending more of the Taxpayer's money. Giving Obama the benefit of the doubt we can speculate he was giving China a reason to loan us more money and also a reason to ask Congress for higher taxes to cover the cost of the Libyan War, which as of August 22, 2011, was about $896 Million dollars. Why no rush from Obama to get involved in Syria; it appears there is not a lot of oil in that country and most of it goes to Europe (which explains their strong stance on sanctions).

My worst fear is that Syria provides Emperor Obama with a fall back plan for the 2012 election. That plan being to use Syria as the crisis required to declare martial law and suspend all National elections until the end of that crisis, which of course never comes. Since Iran is Syria's Puppet Master, any military action taken would most likely involve Iran and Obama is on record stating he will declare a state of Martial Law if war with Iran should occur.

Note: If you think my comments about Hillary Clinton are nothing but a "Conspiracy Theory", check out this story posted 31 July after my blog was posted.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Progressives & Socialists Rule The Repuiblic

I know that I promised my next tirade would be focused on the EPA and Cass Sunstein, but after seeing, listening and watching the news lately, I feel the need to write about the state of our Republic instead as what I had feared from the EPA and Sunstein has, apparently, already occurred.

Since the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and witnessing his cabinet, Czars and Court [especially Supreme Court] selections, it has been apparent that this President is a Socialist,  Progressive at best and Muslim, Communist [like his buddy Van Jones ] at worst, and probably most accurate. 
Then there's Hillary Clinton who proclaimed "I consider myself a modern Progressive..." in a quote dated Jul 24, 2007 . This progressive is in  the middle of attempting to invalidate our 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right by signing the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).. For my final example of President Obama's Advisers I present you with our current Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta. Before I talk about this man, let me briefly state why I didn't include our Illustrious Attorney General, Eric Holder in this description of Obama Cronies. I was using the people seemingly intent upon destroying our Constitution. Holder is merely an incompetent thug...But I digress. I had always thought of Leon Panetta as a "No threat to our country" type of fellow until I heard about his [as well as Hillary's] support  for the UN's  Law of the Sea Treaty , aptly dubbed Lost. Oh and for those of you who complain that I had previously only used people with ties to Marxism here's a little detail that was blogged about our head of the DOD. Want more proof,..?Read this BLOG.
Now I must add another Progressive to this list which who signals
the complete takeover of our Government by these people;
 anyone in Congress since it has been made irrelevant by itself, with
the eager help of the Obama Administration].  Gleefully ignoring the
fact that this mandate he declared Constitutional forces all Citizens
to purchase a service from the Government that was formally their
choice in a free market, this man declared it a Constitutional Tax
provision when Emperor Obama himself had proclaimed it not to be a Tax 

Even the other Progressive taxes, Income Tax, SS Tax, Medicare, Medicaid, all apply ONLY if you earn wages. This is the first time even the Progressives have had the ability to tell the American people that not only will we tax you on a purchase of a service but what service you HAVE to buy...Next it will be another commodity or goods [I'm  sensing an edict instructing Americans to purchase ONLY GM products]. This ruling implies that taxes can be assessed in any manner that the presiding President desires. To say that Justice Roberts just followed his confirmation vows, as suggested by some, is absurd. He very conveniently and by slight of hand ignored the issue of the government requiring its Citizens to purchase a commodity and left the door open to ignore the commerce clause of the constitution by just declaring ANY imperial edict a tax. Roberts didn't just join the Progressives he was already a member and Barack Obama knew it. He knew Roberts would tip the scales along with Obama's newly appointed, Progressive women. The takeover of our Republic is now complete.