If the GOP wants to accomplish both Tax cuts, with simplifications, and Health Care, let me offer a few examples of how their bills should be organized. Before I get into the details, let me remind everyone that both Democrats and RINOs (
Only) won't help with either of these desired Legislative changes; Especially those Trump haters who'll do anything to get back to the disgusting Status Quo. I"ll begin with the Tax bill, mainly because that's the proposed bill currently being debated.
Why do these idiots we designated as our House and Senate Representatives insist on
NOT making taxes Fair and Equitable? There are two options available for Individual Tax consideration:
- A National Sales Tax
- A National Flat Tax
Either of these two options would make a better proposal than the current Regressive tax plans being formulated in both the House and Senate. Both options have their Pros and Cons; Which I will not discuss here. Then you'd only have to argue about deductions and with either option you could totally eliminate along with most of the IRS functions. Of course some jobs would be eliminated (H&R Block Tax Preparation, IRS Tax Audits, IRS ObamaScare Enforcement officers etc), but think of the trees that will be saved printing all the ridiculous forms that go into preparation and filing. Not to mention the voluminous printed pages of current Tax Codes.
We have a Corporate Income Tax classification, so why not a Small Business Income Tax classification? Then we could remove all
Democratic objections as to "
income tax breaks for the rich" versus
Republican objections to "
onerous taxation on small businesses".
And now my biggest contribution to the Tax situation; You
HAVE to cut Spending along with the Taxes. In the early 20th Century Republican Presidents knew and followed that axiom. Now Progressives, who infest
ALL parties, are only interested in retaining power, accumulating wealth (and never returning any savings) as they pursue their
TRUE goal; Driving the US to be a
Socialistic Paradise, as every other Socialist/Communist country which has
NEVER worked before and never will.
It's time to repeal and replace ObamaScare. Why were so many people interested in accomplishing this end? It's the biggest pile of Horse Manure ever to be perpetrated on a
democratic society. This Socialistic ObamaScare garbage has taken the best, although expensive, Health Care in the world and reduced it to a pimp for
Medicaid. There are, and have been for a long time, many good ideas floating around Washington, DC (such as portability across State lines, Individuals Group Coverage, Increased use/dollar allocation of/for Health Savings accounts, lawsuit limitations to reduce doctors' high liability insurance costs, etc.) that could help reduce costs. So why have these not been implemented?
In order to effectively cut spending and aide in the repeal of ObamaScare, one action that should be taken is removal of Government contributions to
Medicaid. This puts each state in charge of it's own collection and disbursement of Medicaid dollars. My reasoning? It's the same as removing State and Local tax deductions...Using most of America's states, just like state ,city and local tax deductions, to support Liberally supplied Medicaid of states such as New York, California, New Jersey etc.
And lastly let's examine some totally useless and actually harmful Government agencies such as Swat Teams, Department of Education, the aforementioned IRS, etc.
Swat teams, such as those introduced by Barrack Obama are not only expensive, ridiculous (such as the EPA, USDA swat teams) but also
is unconstitutional as Government provisions of Police forces are
NOT a government power detailed within the Constitution. Former President Obama had established over 60 Swat Costly teams.Also there should be some legislation curtailing the amount of "
CZARS" (established by George W Bush and gleefully expanded by Barrack Obama) that can be appointed; the amount of money required to maintain each and reinforce the advisory
ONLY capabilities of these positions.
Useless departments should either be eliminated or reduced in scope and power. I cite the Department of Education, which in my humble opinion, should only serve as a liaison between all the states for textbooks, education goals, educational teaching credentials etc.Since 1980, our educational Educational ranking in the world has fallen to embarrassing levels of Science, Math and reading according to the
PEW Research Center report of February, 2017...In spite of The Department of Education which was established in 1979 by Democrat Jimmy Carter; During the 1992 term of Democrat president, Bill Clinton claims multiple legislation bills were enacted, as his library boasts, for Expanded Educational opportunities while in 2002, Republican president George W Bush signed into law the no child left behind act. Despite these massively costly expansions of the Education Department, the US has only declined in educational standing and quality of education.
Why do we need so many immigrants, specially trained for jobs in Engineering, Technology etc for high paying jobs in the USA? Because we have ignored areas like Science; Math and Reading in our education system. Why are so many people today ignorant of American and World history? The same reason so many are ignorant of our Constitution and form of Government. These items are either not taught or changed to fit the Progressives' agenda. Individual states, with guidance from a slimmer more effective Department of Education, would best know and handle both their schools and health care.