Hillary Clinton is like having Bill on steroids (as far as foreign policy) is concerned. She shares Commissar Obama's view that Assault Weapons should be banned, at least for American patriots. Both are too stupid to realize two vary important items concerning the AR-15 weapon used by Omar Mateen:
- It is NOT an assault rifle since true assault rifles have a selective fire switch. (The gun grabber Progressive made up their own definition just so they could ban more guns. Under their definition: semi-automatic with a removable magazine, a Ruger 10/22 is an Assault weapon.) A true Assault rifle also needs to fire an intermediate rifle cartridge (NOT a .22 LR which is also a pistol cartridge).
- The Libiots (Liberal plus Idiots equal Libiots) claim Mateen purchased an Assault Rifle LEGALLY. That is only due to the Gun Grabber's agenda. If a woman claims spousal abuse, the accused (on the accuser's word alone) has any firearms confiscated and cannot legally purchase a firearm (violating about half of our Bill of Rights). So, why is it that someone being watched or investigated by Any government agency i.e.: FBI, NSA, Military Intelligence, Homeland Security etc., is not awarded the same benefits as a spousal abuser?
- Abolish all guns and all portions of the Constitution they vehemently oppose such as the second amendment; the first amendment as it applies to we peons; the tenth amendment etc.
- Retain Democratic control of our government since only radical progressives now run that party to which I used to belong (no conservatives or plain liberals wanted or allowed).
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