Thursday, September 2, 2010

Shameless Self-Promotion - New book available now

For all fans of my Monday Attitude Adjustment Stories (MAAS) book who yearned for a sequel, the wait is finally over! I have just released my book MAAS II; available in print only at the moment and only available on (as far as I know).

You may not be aware of the fact (as my meager books sales my indicate; I hope that's the reason)  that all my previous books that are available Amazon as eBooks are also available in their printed format as well.

So, here for your reading enjoyment is MAAS II; I simplified both the book name and design so no one would be intimidated or scared away from long titles and "too much information"in my book as our President is so fond of complaining.

Oh, in case many of you are unaware of this I'd like to inform you that all Kindle eBooks on can be purchased without have to buy a Kindle...they provide other for reading books to accommodate Blackberries, other cell phones etc. including computer reading software. Also, if you purchase books on, they will provide you with free software for reading the book on multiple reading devices as well.

REMEMBER: My new book is currently available only in printed form on LuLu so get your copy now before it is too late (Grandma needs a new pair of shoes).

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